The devil is in the details

I spent last Thursday and Friday evenings on the couch with Buffy, a big coke, and munchies. During my whole two day break from a god awful and brutal strict diet and exercise routine, I gained back two pounds. Not a huge amount, but when I weighed myself Saturday morning, it was devastating.

By Saturday afternoon I was back at the gym, and Sunday, back to martial arts. Of course, I woke up Monday morning with whatever dread sinus/throat/ear crap someone was kind enough to pass on to me. Made it to the doc yesterday, and one day after heavy duty antibiotics and sinus medication, I'm almost back to normal. This has to be the quickest recovery from an upper respiratory infection I have ever had. I'm planning on making it to SSK tonight, and back to the gym tomorrow, and my diet is back on track, now that I can stand up long enough to make something to eat.

This morning I woke up and realized I had no clean clothes for this morning. I'd managed to completely forget to throw in a load in my cough medicine haze. Cringing, I pulled out a pair of pants I hadn't worn in months because they were tight and uncomfortable. I am now sitting at my desk, wearing said pants, and they aren't cutting into my waist at all. Yesterday, I noticed my size 18 dress slacks that I would love if they weren't size 18 are getting big, falling off my hips big. I have not lost that much weight, but it's becoming clear I'm losing size. Even my bras are just a little big in the cups.

These are the accomplishments I need, and need to record, because they keep me going. If I can fit into the pants I wore a year ago, I know I'm making serious progress.



September 17, 2008 at 2:02 PM

It's the results like that that make diets totally worth it. I'm in love with the feeling that my pants are too big. It almost doesn't matter to me if I can or cannot notice a physical change when I'm trying to shed summer binge pounds, as long as I don't have to button my fat pants to get them on, I'm a happy kid.

Keep going, Kat! This is my proud of you face!