Sunday was crap and I prefer not to talk about it. However, here's the cliff notes:
Exhausted, hungry all day, G being nearly impossible to wrangle, and nerves caused by impending surgery on Thursday equaled 4 chunks cookie dough. 4.
Today has been somewhat more successful.
I had to go into work for a couple hours this morning, then ran by the doctor's office, and went over to my mom's to do a few things for her. I cleaned up the kitchen, made it through a couple loads of laundry, installed her new printer, cleaned off the dining room table, and ran to the grocery store. After, I came home to eat some lunch, then apprehensively made my way to the hospital have blood drawn and pee in a cup (also for the impending surgery), and finally came home to relax for an hour or so. Late afternoon, we headed out to pay the car note, and drop G off with his step mom. Shopping at Dress Barn for an outfit for the Republican Lincoln Day Dinner tomorrow night (successfully!), and making dinner followed. I had intended to do some yoga this evening, but dinner was so late, and I am so exhausted that I think it will have to wait until tomorrow.
Breakfast: Cereal with 1% milk, Boston Cream Pie Yogurt
Snack: 1 small bottle Bolthouse Farms Mocha Protein drink (a little high in fat and calories, but it packs a huge amount of protein and vitamins).
Lunch: Rest of the chicken and artichoke pasta, Protein Water.
Snack: 1 devil's food cookie, 1 Bliss Bar.
Dinner: 1 Tilapia fillet, 1 serving brown rice, 1 small serving sweet corn, 2 crescent rolls. I know the crescent rolls are really, really, bad for me, but considering how little fat was in dinner itself (the tilapia only had approx. 2g fat), I decided to splurge a little.
Cokes: NONE!
Water: A lot. I lost track. I'm getting in the habit of drinking it all the time.
Other Beverages: 1 Fuze Slenderize. It was so tasty, but so expensive. I'll be keeping and eye out for it to go on sale.
All in all, today went pretty well. My fat consumption is still a little higher than I would like, but I 'm still adjusting my body, and mind, to functioning with more protein and fiber. I will get there, and I know it's going to take time.
Thanks again for reading. Tune in tomorrow when I whine about the lack of healthy choices at the dinner tomorrow night. I suppose I'll have to be really good all day to make up for it. And yoga, a long yoga session.
April 15, 2008 at 12:53 PM
Fuze Slenderize is so good! I get excited when it goes on sale here! Also, what the heck, man? I hope you're ok and that this impending surgery goes well!
April 15, 2008 at 1:53 PM
The nice thing about surgery is you get to fast for the better part of a day. And you get to nap through the surgery. Have fun at the dinner tonight - I'm glad you get to go. And thanks for installing the printer.
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