If it doesn't hurt, you're not doing it right.

As stated last night, I've been a naughty girl. Not in that I've strayed from diet, just that I've been too pooped at night, and too busy during the day to get my posts out. I haven't been as diligent about figuring the nutritional information for meals I prepare (mostly) from scratch, but I have been sure to measure carefully, and make sure I am using correct portion sizes. The only deviation from this has been Tuesday night, when J got off work early, and we decided to do "Dinner Out" at home. We went to Marsh, picked up shrimp, scallops, a bottle of wine, some beautiful zucchini, and a package of sushi. We were starving by the time we got home, so we had the sushi as an appetizer, and then seared the scallops, sauteed the shrimp and zucchini with a few marinated artichokes, and had a lovely dinner together. I do not, however, recommend Twin Fin Pinot Grigio to anyone; it was way too strong and citrus-y.

In other news, here is my exercise for the week:
Monday- one 10 minute yoga session, walked to my parents house (13 blocks round trip)
Tuesday- 3 10 minute yoga sessions, including basics, abs, and flexibility.
Wednesday- 20 minute yoga workout of my own design, including some poses I really enjoy, done power yoga style.

I'm far less sore today, but I have a very busy evening ahead of me. I'm not sure I'll have time to workout tonight.

Tomorrow, back to our regular format with the gory details of what I've been eating. I will say, with some certainty, I've been keeping my caloric intake at or below 1600 per day, and fat below 60g per day. My carbs are still higher than I'd like, but low fat/low cal foods tend to be pretty carb heavy.

Also, 1 more pound down, 77 to go. I weighed in at 215 on my home scale this morning. *Sqeeeeeeeeeeeee*



April 28, 2008 at 10:58 AM

woo woo! 1 pound is an important pound! keep it up!