My insurance finally kicked in, so I was able to see the doctor last week. All my blood tests came back fine, which means my issues are likely not related to a pituitary adenoma. I have an ultrasound this afternoon to check my pelvis and see if it's a localized issue, like cysts or edometriosis.
Missed SKK last week due to the flu from hell G brought home from school. Took me all week just to start eating again. I did manage to go this week, and am quite sore with a rather nasty bruise on my wrist that I don't remember getting. Fun times with throwing people around. You never know what's going to get hurt!
Wednesday I have a business dinner meeting with Si Fu to discuss other responsibilities, ordering patches, stickers, and the like, and taste his culinary ability. He has a very important interview for a very prestigious internship in a world class kitchen next week, so I'm looking forward to the opportunity to try his chosen craft.
Work is hectic, I have no desire to go the gym, and all I want to do is sleep and knit. Trying to get out of the post-flu funk, but it's taking awhile. Good news is I lost nearly all the weight I gained back in less than a week.